And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy; 倘若你能使你的心时常赞叹日常生活的神妙,你苦痛的神妙必不减于你的欢乐;
The problem with wearing armor is that while it shields you from pain it also shields you from joy. 带着面具去生活的问题在于,在它将你与痛苦阻隔开的同时,也将你与快乐阻隔开。
To count our hurt, pain and struggle as nothing but pure joy? 将所有的伤痛与挣扎都视若无睹,而单单的喜乐吗?
Has experienced the pain of failure, tasted the joy of success. 经历过失败的痛苦,品尝过成功的喜悦。
A new era is about to be born, with all the pain and blood and joy and release that birth naturally entails. 新的时代即将出生的,所有的痛苦和鲜血和喜悦,并释放出生自然需要。
Persevere through the difficult patches and better times are sure to come. Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest. 忍耐度过艰难时光,美好的日子将在不久之后来到。不要让一个季节的痛苦毁掉其他季节的喜乐。
One of the most important lessons I have learned is that it is very important to accept the bad with the good, the light with the dark and the pain with the joy. 我所领悟到的最重要的一点是,人们在得到好事的同时也会得到坏事,接受光明时也要接受黑暗,享受快乐时也要忍受痛苦。
As I grew up, the ritual changed, but she always found a way to ease my pain and increase the joy I felt in any area of my life. 尽管这种抚慰的形式伴随着我的成长而有所变化,但是她总会找出一种方法抚慰我的伤痛,增加我生命中各个角落的快乐。
And what is the essence of that strange and bitter miracle of life which we feel so poignant, so unutterable, with such a bitter pain and joy, when we are young? 我们在青春年少时带着悲喜交集的心情,十分强烈而不可名状地感受到人生的奇特辛酸、不可思议的经历。其实质是什么呢?
The trick is not how much pain you feel-but how much joy you feel. 秘诀不是你感觉多痛苦&而是你感觉多快乐。
Conflict, pain, joy, pleasure, anxiety, loneliness, depression, and working, working, working, labouring for others or for oneself; 冲突,痛苦,欢乐,愉悦,焦虑,孤独,沮丧,还有工作,工作,工作,为他人或为自己而劳碌;
I have learned that without pain I wouldn't know joy. 我已懂得,没有痛苦,我就不知道什么是快乐。
The soil in which the meditative mind can begin is the soil of everyday life, the strife, the pain and the fleeting joy. 日常生活,连同其纷扰、苦痛及倏然之喜乐,乃冥想萌发之土壤。
Mother's womb gave gestation and fresh life to us so that we can record or have the pain and joy of a life to savor to our life! 母亲的子宫孕育了我们,赋予了我们鲜活的生命,让我们可以记录或拥有生命的痛苦和欢乐,去体味我们的人生!
If there were never any trouble, we would have no pain to compare our joy to. 如果没有如此多的麻烦的话,我们就无法用痛苦去比较快乐。
A pain full of pleasure, a joy replenished with misery, a Heaven, a Hell, a God, a Devil. 它是充满快乐的痛苦,充满苦难的快乐;是天堂,是地狱;是上帝,也是魔鬼。
Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest. 不要让一个季节的痛苦毁掉其他季节的喜乐。
She is a much less cynical person, much more open& to both pain and joy. 她不是个怨天尤人的人,而是大方地接受&包括痛苦和喜悦。
Rather than walk without direction, lost inside my tormented mind, I learn and accept that if I feel pain, I can feel joy as well. 与其漫无目的地行走,或者因内心痛苦折磨而不知所措,我开始学习并且认为如果我能感觉到痛苦,我也定能体验到幸福。
And since life causes an endless series of problems, life is always difficult and is full of pain as well as joy. 因为生活和事业的无休止的一系列问题,生活总是充满困难和痛苦,以及喜悦。
Life is always bittersweet, whether success or failure, pain or joy, Fruitful, severe cold and heat, we should all go to the same value, the road of life there is no change in the landscape. 人生总是苦乐参半,无论是成功还是失败,痛苦或者欢乐,春华秋实、严寒酷暑,我们都应该同样去珍惜,人生道路上没有不变的风景。
Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest. Don't judge life by one difficult season. 不要让一个季节的痛苦毁掉一生的愉悦,不要用一个苦难的季节去评判一生。
"That must have been painful ( or wonderful) for you," we say, imagining the pain ( or joy) we ourselves would have experienced in such a situation. 「你当时一定觉得很痛苦(或很神奇)!」我们一边说,一边想像,假如我们处在这样一种情境,我们自己本来会经验到的痛苦(或欢喜)。
Life is always difficult and full of pain as well as joy. 生活总是艰辛的,充满欢乐,也充满痛苦。
Taking me away from the pain in my life and filling my heart with joy and wonder. 把我从生活中的痛苦抽离,在我的心注满欢乐和奇幻。
The woman is undergoing the joyful pain and painful joy of childBirth. 那位妇女正在经受生育时喜悦的痛苦和痛苦的喜悦。
And there are those who give and know not pain in giving, nor do they seek joy, nor give with mindfulness of virtue; 又有些人给予而不觉得给予的痛苦,也不去寻求其中的快乐,更不怀着道德观念才给予。
Analysing the characters in these two novels, the essay tries to study the sense of religion, the sense of pain and joy and the sense of the female. 文章从两部作品的人物入手进行分析,并试图对作品所呈现的宗教观、苦乐观、女性观等进行深入探究。
In Lao Zhuang's opinion, reason was not the tool of will, desire was not the origin of crime, and both pain and joy were virtually the results of mind. 在老庄看来,理智不是意志的工具,欲望不是罪恶的渊源,痛苦与欢乐都为心性所为。
Political strife, together with ideological confusions gave rise to both physical and mental pain, so Epicurus asked for joy instead of suffering. 政治的争斗,思想的混乱给人们带来了身体和精神上的双重痛苦,所以伊壁鸠鲁推崇快乐不要痛苦。